Although we are silently shedding a single tear as NYFW nears its conclusion, we were all smiles as we were spoilt for street style choice on this beautiful evening at Lincoln Center. Here are a few selections, more to come soon!
Maxi dress with chunky jewelry and hint of neon pink gives an impish nod to summer's fading rays. Horizontal stripes with lace jumpsuit and hipster-esque glasses (we're guessing non-prescription?) make a fun and unexpectedly pleasing duo...even if we wouldn't have opted for the leopard print heels.
While the sartorial savvy of the silk slacks and Chanel purse go without saying, what sent us into fashtastic bliss was the accessory selection...see chunky clear collar spiced with neon.
Ok, we are well over last year's obsession with hats. However, neon sheer maxi + lace + double gold cuff + sufficiently sullen face > headwear halo.
I agree! For some reason the hat works! Halo is the right word for this look.